Healthy and Learning Lifestyle

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What is HaLL

‘HaLL is aimed at secondary school pupils and their teachers, aiming to equip them with new ways to promote healthy living.  The project connects teaching about healthy lifestyles through multidisciplinary learning and the combination of physical education with other school subjects, using the latest digital tools. By doing this we aim to promote a healthy and learning lifestyle for pupils and teachers not only in school, but throughout their daily lives, now and in the future.’

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Latest news & activities

  • IO1: Full Lesson Plan Portfolio!

    Hey teacher! Here is our legacy to you: 132 pages loaded with multidisciplinary lesson plans and pupil assignments to directly implement inside and outside the class room. Tested in practice! Available as PDF download here with all lesson plans included or download the seperate lessons via our dedicated Learning Lessons page. Full version in English…

  • IO2: HaLL School Leader’s Guide!

    School leaders can use this guide to set up individual learning plan for an healthy lifestyle for pupils, staff and teachers and for other school leaders! Full version in English (EN)Full version in Dutch (NL)Full version Romanian (RO)Full version in Spanish (ES)Full version in Greek (EL)Full version in Turkish (TR)

  • IO3: Teacher Guide!

    As a teacher, you have a unique position to positively impact the health and lifestyle of your students. This HaLL teacher guide is designed to help you understand the various ways in which you can make a difference in the lives of your students. Download it below as a full PDF or visit our dedicated…